The LSA netball "Leagues" are of amateur standard "B2N" (Back to Netball) is for teams getting back into the game - "Premier" designates teams playing to a higher standard than the respective B2N or League. Leagues may be amalgamated and/or split depending on numbers.
Adult games currently expected to rotate between 18.30, 19.30 and 20.30
Stepping Stones INDOOR AT WELLFIELD HIGH SCHOOL games currently expected to start 6.45pm
Y6 & under Games currently expected to start at 5.40pm
Y7 Games currently expected to start at 6.40pm
Y8/Y9 Games currently expected to rotate between 6.40 and 7.40pm
Y10/11 Games currently expected to rotate between 6.40, 7.40 and 8.40pm
Special requirements
we will try to accommodate
Manager/Coach/Contact 1 details
We will email your VIP username login details on registration
We will text your VIP password on registration
Tick to indicate Captain/Coach/Contact 1 is playing
Second Contact Details
We will email your VIP username login details on registration
We will text your VIP password on registration
Tick to indictate second contact is playing
Invite your players
* below players will be sent an email with link to player registration asking for their name, address, dob and contact number and they must complete this and agree to the terms to sign up to the league before they will be registered as a player.
Sign the box below on behalf of the team to signify your commitment to join the LSA league (your registraion fee will be ) and your acceptance of the LSA code of conduct and the LSA rules and regulations
Payment should be made within 7 days
The Leyland Sports Association (LSA) Terms (incorporating the Netball Rules and Regulations and Code of Conduct)
1.1 The decisions (including complaints and appeals) of the LSA (company number 06009977 and currently registered at 25-29 Sandy Way, Yeadon, Leeds, England, LS19 7EW, with email address contact@leylandsportsassociation.co.uk and telephone number 01772 804 905 and operating from the LSA Facility on Thurston Road, Leyland, PR25 2LF) in respect of these Terms and on any other matter related to the leagues which is not specifically provided for below shall be considered final and binding on all parties. The LSA endeavour to respond to communications within 48 working hours.
1.2 It is the responsibility of each team Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 to ensure that all their players are conversant with the following Terms, and that they and all their team Players will abide by them.
1.3 Due to the data protection act and EU General Data Protection Regulation Compliance, Health and Safety, safeguarding, and purposes of Insurance, we ask that each team Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 complete and sign their registration form online to agree that they are happy for us to contact them with information regarding leagues, tournaments, etc. and we also require the name and addresses of all players. These details will not be shared with any other teams, individuals, or other clubs outside of the LSA other than as required by law or under enforcement of these Terms.
1.4 If any information given at any time whether verbally or in writing and/or via the VIP area is found to be false or incomplete (such as but not limited to entering incomplete of incorrect contact details, or not putting in players full and/or correct names, scoring inaccuracies and/or other irregularities), this is deemed a breach of the rules and the LSA may at its discretion impose as serious a sanction as them deem necessary from a warning and/or points deductions if the breach is a first time accidental breach of no consequence, through to league expulsion for persistent and/or more serious breaches that have consequences and the team will be considered as having withdrawn from the league under 2.2 below by virtue of their serious breach.
2.1 The Management will confirm the Registration Fee, Court Fee and Umpire Fee from time to time and this will be detailed on the particular league registration form. Generally the Registration Fee is £20.00 for new teams, £10.00 for existing teams and free registration on successful registration of a new team via the refer a new team offer. Registration Fees are non-refundable. The Court Fee is generally £15.00 per game per team. The Umpire Fee is generally £10 per game per team. There may be a Deposit required to enter a league which will usually be £55 and must remain on account throughout the season, but which will be refunded at the end of the season and/or the last game of the season may be deducted from this Deposit.
2.2 If a team withdraws from an LSA netball league they will be charged for all their remaining Court Fees for the season plus the court fees of their would be opponents who would not pay as they would not be playing, plus a £55 Fixture Rearrangement Fee. This is to compensate the LSA for their loss as if a team withdraws they will lose the court fees from the games that team didn't play and those of their opponents. The LSA want to limit the possibility of withdrawals which causes extra administration in terms of fixture rearrangements and upset to the other teams in the league and which limits the availability of funds to run the league and also to pay for medals and/or prize money.
2.3 The Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1, Contact 2, and all players are jointly and severally liable for payment of all FEES.
2.4 A match will be deemed Cancelled by a team and dealt with in accordance with clause 6 below if the Court Fee is not paid before midnight the day before the match takes place. The reason for this is that from midnight onwards the system will start to automatically cancel games where the Court Fee has not been paid to avoid the opposing team travelling to the LSA and potentially not having a match to play.
3.1 Registration to the LSA league is open to any club or team at the discretion of the LSA and will be determined by the number of teams entered. Previously registered teams will take priority over new teams.
3.2 Players must be aged 13 in the current school year (year 9) if they wish to play in a senior league and must be both physically and mentally able to cope with match play of a highly competitive adult opposition determined by each team Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 at the discretion of the LSA.
3.3 Registration forms shall be completed through the LSA website www.leylandsportsassociation.co.uk. All entries will be accepted on the basis that each team Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 has read and agreed to these Terms from time to time which are available online. If these Terms change, an email will be sent to each team Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 advising of this, so it is the responsibility of each team Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 to ensure their email address is current and that they are able to receive and read emails from the LSA (if any team Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 has problems with this please advise the LSA in the office in the first instance and also please advise us in writing to the registered office by recorded mail).
4.1 Each team must declare a minimum of 7 Players prior to the start of a season or tournament by completing the online team registration form on the LSA website www.leylandsportsassociation.co.uk. Any additional players that are not on the team list must be entered in the VIP area online prior to the start of any match they are playing in, otherwise they will be classed as an Illegal Player unless exceptionally at the absolute discretion of the LSA, the LSA accept that they may be included.
4.2 Adult teams can use players from another league subject to these Terms (including 4.1 above) who will be known as a "Borrowed Player" who may play in the position of Wing Attack or Wing Defence ONLY, or if there are already two Borrowed Players in these positions a third Borrowed Player may play in the position of Centre. If a Borrowed Player plays in a different position such as Goal Shooter, Goal Attack, Goal Defence or Goal Keeper they will be deemed an Illegal Player.
4.3 The penalty for any team fielding an Illegal Player will be the loss of the higher of 5 points or all points scored in the match and the opposition will be awarded the higher of 15 points, or the points they scored for the game.
4.4 If any team Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1/Player feel someone is in breach of any of the LSA Terms this alleged Terms Breach must be reported by the team Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1/Player as soon as the suspected Terms Breach occurs, and the opposing team must be given the opportunity to address and then rectify the alleged Terms Breach if it is confirmed as a Terms Breach, and this applies before and during the match. If the match has finished then it is too late as the opposing team has not been given the opportunity to address and then rectify the alleged Terms Breach whether it is confirmed as a Terms Breach or not. To report a Terms Breach means notifying: 1. the teamn Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1/Player of the team they are accusing of the Terms Breach; and, 2. the person umpiring the match which the alleged Terms Breach was/is taking place in, and they must also then email STRICTLY WITHIN 24 HOURS full details of the alleged Terms Breach to contact@leylandsportsassociation.co.uk or the Terms Breach will only be considered by the LSA at their discretion. The purpose of this is to ensure that a match is not played with one team suspecting another of a Terms Breach when there is a valid reason and/or a team being mistaken and/or a team inadvertently breaching the rules, and so in the spirit of sportsperson-ship, all teams should be given the opportunity to rectify any potential Terms Breach. Politely addressing issues before the match is the way to achieve this. If a team refuses, and/or there is a disagreement, and the said breach has been reported as per clause 4.4 in full (including to the umpire for example) and also correctly to the LSA, then action can be taken by the LSA. It is also advisable to report any all breaches (even if rectified) in case the opposition were repeat offenders who may need a further rules briefing.
4.5 A Player in a junior league cannot play for more than one team in the same age group in that league even if their team are not playing that night. They may only play in their own age group and above, and may only play in two age groups in total or they will be classed as an Illegal Player for all teams they played for concurrently. If a team is trialling a player who is already playing in two age groups, they must register this fact by emailing the LSA at contact@leylandsportsassociation.co.uk confirming the team and age group the player is considering moving away from, and considering moving to, and the player must not play in the team in the particular age group they are considering moving away from, and must be trialled on consecutive fixture weeks (up to a maximum of three weeks) for the team in the new age group and then a decision made if they are to stay permanently in that team in the new age group or to stay in their current team. They may only be trialled in this way twice per calendar year but not in the same season. They cannot play as a substitute player when the team is short or fill in to strengthen any other teams. Failure to adhere to the above rules will result in the player being deemed an Illegal Player, and the LSA reserve the right to look into reports of the conduct of players and/or teams that might be considered unfair practices whilst perhaps technically falling within these Terms.
4.6 One adult player cannot be registered for two teams. A player from a lower league can play in a higher league as a replacement for a player in a higher league for one week. If this player from the lower league plays in the higher league more than once then they must change to be a registered player in the higher team and deregister and NOT play for the lower team again. If this rule is breached the player will be an "Illegal Player" as per rule 4.2 for BOTH teams of all matches they played for the teams. This does not affect the Borrowed Player rule 4.2, HOWEVER if repeated use of Borrowed Players are reported as a possible mechanism for artificially increasing the competitiveness of a team and/or are otherwise, at the absolute discretion of the LSA, potentially not being allowing play at the LSA in good faith and/or at the disadvantage of other team/s, then the LSA reserve then right to control the ability of any team to use Borrowed Players and may for example request that use of any Borrowed Player is requested by email 48 hours prior to the match starting.
4.7 In order to allow as much participation, flexibility and progressiveness in netball at the LSA as possible, up to three players may now, for a transitional period, play for more than one team in different leagues on any night under provided that they adhere to these Terms (for example by playing in the position of Wing Attack or Wing Defence or Centre or as agreed in writing by the LSA at their discretion) if the team that they do not normally play for are struggling to get a full squad on any occasion.
Teams must confirm the team via the “Online team Sheet” that will be playing a minimum of 15 minutes before each match starts along with any borrowed players (any number of amendments can be made up to 15 minutes before the match). If the team and/or any Borrowed Players are not correctly entered then the LSA reserve the right to, at their discretion, impose any sanctions they feel necessary including but not limited to a 15-0 win to the opposing team.
Teams are required to pay online via the VIP area by midnight the day before each match starts. This is free for you and you can either use your PayPal account and/or your normal bank card to pay using the PayPal facility. The alternative is to pay for the full netball season by bank transfer 14 days prior to the start of the season.
A representative from both teams must take a photo of the umpires score sheet at the end of the match and the WINNING TEAM ONLY (OR IN THE CASE OF A DRAW -EITHER TEAM) must upload it to the VIP area using the "MATCH SCORE" facility (accessible from the "TEAM PAGES" menu) by midnight the day after their match and also enter the score manually where required. The losing team (or the drawing team who did not enter the score) will have until midnight the day after to dispute the score which they may do online via the same "MATCH SCORE" facility (accessible from the "TEAM PAGES" menu) and hence both teams should keep their copy of the umpires score in the event they wish to prove/dispute a score as they will need to upload a photo of it. If the winning team, or one of the drawing teams does not enter the score manually AND upload the score sheet by midnight the day after their match then the score will be marked as 0-0. It is both teams responsibility to ensure that the scores are correctly recorded on the umpires score sheet. As per rule 5.4, in the case of a tie at the end of the league on goal difference, the position in the league will be determined by the goals scored, so it is in every teams interest to record the correct draw score instead of having a 0-0 recorded in case it costs them a position, or in the worst case, a win. Any attempt to artificially inflate goals scored (by for example entering a 50-50 score draw instead of a 5-5 score draw) will result in, at the discretion of the LSA, disqualification of BOTH teams as though only one uploaded the inflated score draw, one did not question it thereby becoming a willing (or reckless) participant in the wilful manipulation of the scores.
Teams may also agree any other provisions regarding other players/positions between them to ensure that as many games as possible can be played, HOWEVER in this event the teams must send an email to contact@leylandsportsassociation.co.uk confirming the provisions, or one team may send the provisions to contact@leylandsportsassociation.co.uk and to the opposing team if the opposing team replies to confirm. If there is ANY dispute surrounding other provisions, the LSA will not determine who is at fault and the default Terms will apply whatever the outcome fair or not. So all teams must ensure that if they agree to anything that this is in writing to contact@leylandsportsassociation.co.uk or, regardless of good faith, they may end up losing the match.
Teams are responsible for ensuring they have correct up to date contact details in the VIP area and if they do email the LSA they only use one of the two registered email addresses in the VIP area, and also that they can receive emails and texts from us as for example text and email and calling may be used for communication to notify teams of a cancellation and/or change to advertised match time. Also all teams MUST check the fixtures here https://www.leylandsportsassociation.co.uk/league/ after 12.01am on the day that they play in case there is a change that the LSA have not been able to communicate because changes can happen at any time for any reason, especially as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.
If a team has not played all their games (for example, if they joined the league late) then they will not be able to win any prize in that league.
If a new team enters a league late and/or takes over another teams position then all games up to that point that the new team have not played will be set to 15-0. The new team will then be automatically allocated points throughout the league but at the end ALL their scores will be set to 15-0. This means the league will be representative and fair as no team will be at a disadvantage or gain an advantage from having another team start late. This may of course temporarily alter the table, but if a team want to see their true position versus any other team at any during the season they would simply need to allocate themselves and the other team the points for a 15-0 win for all matches both past and future.
5.1 The intention is that each team in the LSA league will play everyone twice, however this is subject to prevailing circumstances such as inclement weather conditions and matches may have to be rescheduled. If the LSA are unable to reschedule certain cancelled matches, results from a previous game played will be used. If both matches have been cancelled, then a match will be rescheduled at the earliest opportunity which may be after the end of the fixtures or where a team might on one occasion be required to play two games in one night.
5.2 If there is a league hierarchy on a particular day, at the discretion of the LSA, the top two on the lower league table may move up to a higher league and the bottom two teams in the higher league may move down to the lower league. If a team is consistently winning their league and there is a higher league on a different day, at the discretion of the LSA the team may be asked to play on a different day.
5.3 Teams will be awarded league points as follows: 5 points for a win, 3 points for a draw, 2 points if they lose by one goal, 1 point for a losing team scoring OVER half the winners score, or 0 points for any other loss.
5.4 In the event that two or more teams have the same points, the team with more goals (or the least negative goals) after conceded goals have been deducted will finish higher in the league than the other team/s. If there is still two or more teams equally placed, then the team with the greatest number of goals scored will finish higher in the league than the other team/s. In the event that neither goal difference or goals scored can differentiate between the teams, at the discretion of the LSA, the teams will be declared in joint position or a play-off match to determine the outright winner will be scheduled by the LSA.
5.5 All FEES must be paid in full before midnight the day before they play. The Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 should ensure that all Players arrive in good time.
5.6 All adult matches will rotate on a weekly basis. Current start times are expected to be 6, 7 and 8pm. All matches will be of one hour's duration (unless stated otherwise) inclusive of play breaks. All matches will start and end on the umpire's whistle. NO TIME WILL BE ADDED FOR INJURY and any injured players must leave the court safely as soon as is possible. If an injured player can't be moved and/or an ambulance is called and/or this is otherwise deemed a Serious Injury by the umpire, then the scores will be reset and the match will be played again at a later date.
5.8 If a match is abandoned or cancelled by a team, the opposition win 15 goals to 0 unless the opposition already have in excess of 15 goals more than the team abandoning or cancelling in which case the score at time of abandonment or cancellation stands.
Prize money IF APPLICABLE is as advertised on the league banner /registration page and based on a completed league of at least 10 teams paying in full and playing each other twice. League will not always have prize money and also the LSA may at its discretion reduce/remove the prize money for smaller and/or uncompleted leagues where paying the advertised rate from the league proceeds given for example prevailing circumstances is deemed not viable. Smaller and/or shorter league that runs for less than three months are unlikely to have any prize money due to the administration in setting the league up which brings significantly less revenue. If there is no prize money stated then there will be non for the league.
Prizes will be advised on a per league basis, but no team will be eligible for a prize if any money was outstanding at any point during the season. This is to ensure that teams do not cause the LSA significant administration whilst collecting prize money. The LSA may at their discretion allow a partial prize payment if extenuating circumstances are presented by a team and accepted by the LSA.
6.1 All matches will be played on the outdoor courts at The Leyland Sports Association, Thurston Road, Leyland, PR25 2LF and all leagues (apart from currently the Thursday Junior League) will run through half terms and all holidays unless the fixtures confirm otherwise, however traditionally, there is often no play on Bank Holidays.
6.2 Cancellations are a blight to any organised league, it is not fair on the other team, the venue, the league as a whole, and the LSA is aiming to stamp out cancellations for the benefit of all participants. For this reason, we have to rigorously apply the Terms to minimise cancellations. If a team cancels or is unable to field a team for any particular game and the LSA is notified AFTER 12 noon on the Friday prior to the week the game is scheduled for, they will be liable to pay a standard Cancellation Fee of £55 to the LSA via the VIP area comprising of their own and the opposing teams standard Court Fees of £15, standard Umpire Fees of £10, plus a £5 standard administration fee. If a team cancels or is unable to field a team for any particular game and notifies AND PAYS the LSA via the VIP area BEFORE 12 noon on the Friday of the week prior to the week the game is scheduled in then they will pay a reduced Cancellation Fee of £30 comprising of their own and the opposing teams standard Court Fees of £15.
6.3 Teams cannot under any circumstances rearrange fixtures or advise their opposition of a cancellation -this is strictly not allowed. The Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 of a team (or Contact 2 where the Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 is not available) wishing to cancel games must cancel via the VIP area. NO TEAM MAY CANCEL VIA EMAIL OR TELEPHONE. If the VIP area is not working, please send an email to contact@leylandsportsassociation.co.uk and you must also telephone 01772 804 905 and leave a message with the operator saying that you need help accessing the VIP area and leave a mobile number that works. NO TEAM MAY CANCEL VIA EMAIL OR TELEPHONE.
For any cancellation, the non-offending team will be awarded a 15-0 win. The Cancellation Fee of £55 must be paid 48 hours prior to the next scheduled game for the cancelling team, or they will be deducted a minimum of 5 points and further action may be taken at the absolute discretion of the LSA. If the Cancellation Fee of £55 is not paid then the LSA reserve the right to recover these fees by whatever appropriate means are available to them. The Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1, Contact 2, and all players are jointly and severally liable for payment of the Cancellation Fee of £55.
Cancellation Fees cannot be offset against any Deposit or money held by the LSA on account.
The Junior league, until further notice, will play every Thursday excluding the official Lancashire County Council School holidays from time time -the dates for the current year can currently be found on the Lancashire County Council website https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/children-education-families/schools/school-term-dates-and-holidays/. The normal cancellation policy applies under section 6.2 of these terms which dictates a payment of £55 per cancellation. HOWEVER, if a team knows they can't play any of their matches then also under 6.2 of these terms, with sufficient advance notice (usually at least a week) the cost of cancelling will be £30 to cover their court fee and the court fee of their opponent who will be awarded a 15-0 win. If due to a teams main school (or club location official Local Authority holiday) dates falling outside the official Lancashire County Council school holidays only, and UP TO TWO OFFICIAL SCHOOL EVENTS PER SEASON such as parents evening, a team is entitled to request that any match they cannot play (though they can always play in their school holidays -some schools do), instead be played on another Thursday along with their regular match OR the LSA may propose another day (Monday-Friday during term time) to play. This is subject to the LSA agreeing the times and dates work in terms of court space and officials. This may result in the older age groups on these weeks playing later than they may normally play and/or the LSA may propose an alternative day (Monday-Friday during term time) to play these games. This is only for official school holidays/events that apply to the majority of a registered team which fall outside the official Lancashire County Council School holidays. This term does not apply to school events that are NOT advised at the start of the league as this could result in multiple requests at random times from multiple schools and clubs and a significant administrative burden and overall league upset and unnecessary league extensions. If a team requests that a match is played on another week, their opposition can either agree to play ON A WEEK THAT SUITS THE OPPOSITION AND/OR THE LSA WILL PROPOSE ANOTHER DAY (MONDAY - FRIDAY) DURING TERM TIME, or the opposition can also propose that the match not be played and either agree a draw, or that the result of the nearest earlier or later match be duplicated BUT TEAM WHO MADE THE REQUEST TO PLAY ON ANOTHER WEEK MUST AGREE TO THE DRAW OR NEAREST SCORE. If a draw or earlier/later score is agreed, then despite not actually playing the match, both teams must pay their own court fee at the time this is agreed as the LSA needs the court fees to fund the league. If the opposition will not play then they will be penalised and treated as cancelling the match (under section 6.2 and charged accordingly) because playing the match on another week (or Monday - Friday during term time as advised by the LSA) is part of the terms. This provision is to allow as many teams as possible to enter from whatever area and to get all matches played before the end of the league without causing disruption and/or extension to the league. All teams that operate under the official Lancashire County Council school holidays must appreciate that this provision will allow the league to be as varied as possible so in the same way that they get the benefit of having games scheduled only in their term time, they may also have to play two matches sometimes (or play on another day Monday - Friday during term time if required by the LSA) but they get to choose when and the LSA will seek to work with all teams to ensure that the dates are acceptable. Teams that don’t operate with the official Lancashire County Council school holidays must appreciate that the league cannot take time off for all the varied holidays and events as it is not fair on the other teams and we have to adhere to one set of holidays or there could be periods of up to three weeks or more where no games are played. This provision allows all teams to take part in the league and not have to pay cancellation fees or lose points if they are prepared to "catch up" games they can't play. All teams must appreciate that the league is administered on an extremely tight budget and the court fees need to be paid for every match, and the LSA are introducing this term to try to reduce the number of cancellations which unnecessarily cost the teams, reduce play, and also cost the LSA money as the charges for a cancellation do not anywhere near cover the actual costs in terms of rearrangements. The LSA will work with all teams to ensure that changes work for all teams, for example if another day is proposed then the LSA will try to make sure all teams can make it and that as many matches as possible are played on that day.
7.1 All matches shall be played to the England Netball Rules of the Game currently in force at the time, except where the LSA regulations override the England Netball Rules and the LSA requires the Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 ensures England Netball guidelines regarding safeguarding including social networking are adhered to.
7.2 If 5 Players of a team are not on court at the match start time, and it is deemed by the LSA at their discretion to be due to extenuating circumstances (perhaps due to a road traffic accident) , then a five minute delay may be allowed from the start time if this is the first time it has happened or/and then a goal will be awarded for every minute that 5 Players team are not present on court. If 5 players are not on the court after 15 mins, the team are deemed as being unable to field a team, and if the opposing team have 5 or more players or more on court they will be awarded a 15-0 win.
7.3 Spectators are not allowed inside the court fencing and must watch the match from behind the fence. Other than Players, only team managers or coaches, scorers and substitutes are allowed inside the fencing.
8.1 Each team will pay their Umpire Fee (usually £10) direct to the Umpire for every fixture before they take the court or according to direction from the umpire.
8.2 Each game will generally have one umpire, but from time to time this may not be the case. For example often junior matches will be used to introduce new umpires in training. In any event, all umpires and match officials are required to remain impartial throughout the match.
8.3 The Team "Bench" (where team managers, coaches and substitutes only are allowed) will be positioned at one end of the court and will remain there for the duration of the match. Team managers, coaches and substitutes cannot move up and down the court or change ends at any point during the match.
9.1 Subject to rule 4.4 above of these Terms, all queries and/or complaints must be made in writing through the email address contact@leylandsportsassociation.co.uk within three days of the match. A member of the LSA staff will make a decision on all complaints as soon as possible and in any event usually within 14 working days. An appeal can be made within a further two days, and if this happens, the LSA will make a final decision which cannot be appealed usually within a further 14 working days.
9.2 To enable the LSA to investigate any queries and/or complaints thoroughly, they may need to discuss the content of your email with the team, the opposing team and the umpire/s involved and or check CCTV footage of the match / incident so please bear this in mind before making a query and/or complaint.
9.3 Any teams and/or Players who are the subject of a complaint including but not limited to behaviour of a nature such as verbal and physical abuse will usually be issued with a first verbal warning from the umpire, and then if it happens again, a second written warning by email from the LSA. If the behaviour persists, the LSA may at their discretion impose a match ban. The length of the ban will depend on the severity of the complaint against the team and/or Players, and may in extreme circumstances, result in exclusion from the LSA league. Threatening or abusive behaviour may result in a team and/or Player/s being asked to leave the LSA grounds and/or the Police may be notified.
9.4 Umpires will be notified, and the LSA will ask for the umpires account of events if a team and/or Player/s has a complaint regarding the quality/standard/impartiality of their officiating. If the LSA receive a further complaint from the same team and/or Player/s regarding the same umpire the LSA will require that team to put forward a member of their squad (independent umpire) to assist in the next match if their complaint has not been upheld.
10.1 The Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 is responsible for the behaviour of their Players and any other party on site due to their presence such as spectators etc. Taking drugs, swearing, shouting, smoking, and drinking alcohol (other than alcohol purchased from the LSA) is not permitted anywhere on the LSA premises, and all litter must be placed in bins and no animals other than registered assistance dogs (a certificate will need to be shown and a copy taken by the LSA) are allowed on site, nor are items including but not limited to hoverboards, bikes, scooters, balls that are kicked and any breach of these will result in a minimum fine of £50 at the LSA's discretion plus any additional costs associated with dealing with a breach of this or any other Term.
10.2 It is the responsibility of each Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 to provide adequate FIRST AID cover for its Players. The Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 must provide their own regulation place bibs or patches, and their own size 5 netball clearly marked with the team's name, and their own Ball pump. If the bib colours are not easily distinguishable the away team must change the second named team on fixture must wear an alternative colour. The leagues are arranged online and the courts are hired but there is no other service. The Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 must provide their own sanitisation equipment where required, and be aware of all emergency contact numbers and adhere to, and ensure all Player adhere to any health and safety and/or other procedures distributed by the LSA from time to time. The Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 must ensure that they have adequate insurance if required to play at the LSA.
10.3 Netball has the potential for accidental, but heavy contact, so to avoid injury to an unborn baby, pregnant players may not take part in LSA matches unless they have adequate insurance and a letter from their doctor (who must have read these terms) permitting them to play in the LSA matches. A copy of any insurance policy and/or letter will be retained by the LSA.
10.4 All jewellery (including earrings which cannot be "taped over") must be removed by all Players. A medic alert bracelet may be worn but it must be secured in such a manner that it will not constitute a danger to an opponent such as being suitably taped to insure it cannot be removed/lifted off by an accidental contact. Medical exclusions such as gloves will be allowed upon production of a letter from a doctor. A copy of any letter will be retained by the LSA.
10.5 Lost property will be disposed of after one calendar month or sooner if the LSA deem it constitutes a danger or inconvenience.
10.6 The Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 accepts that their players may be photographed from time to time (including photographs and/or video which may appear on the LSA website) and must inform the umpire, LSA and any other parties if they do not want all or any of their players to have their photo taken or them to be on video.
10.7 The Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 must receive permission from the LSA in writing by email from contact@leylandsportsassociation.co.uk to allow them, their Players, and any other party on site due to their presence, to take photographs and/or video at the LSA.
10.8 No live streaming is allowed and any instances of this may be reported to the authorities and a fine of up to £1,000 dependant on circumstances may be issued.
10.9 The LSA accept no responsibility for damage to property (including vehicles) in respect to personal injury which players, officials, or spectators sustain in the normal course of events and all parties entering on the LSA site are encouraged to take out insurance -though this is at their discretion.
11 LSA Code of Conduct
All attendees at the Leyland Sports Association are required to abide by the following code of conduct:
11.1 . All Players must play within the rules and regulations and respect officials and their decisions
11.2. All Players must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of gender, age, ability, cultural background or religion.
11. 3 All Players should keep to agreed timings for fixtures or inform LSA if they are going to be late.
11.4 All Players must wear team uniform / kit suitable for matches.
11.5 All Players must pay any fees for matches by midnight the day before taking the court.
11.6 The Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1 must keep the LSA informed of any change in emergency phone numbers and any relevant medical information.
11.7 All Players must discourage unfair play and arguing with officials
11.8 All Players must set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding good performances of all.
11.9 All Players must publicly accept official's judgement.
11.10 All Players must use correct and proper language at all times.
11.11 All Players must encourage and guide participants to accept responsibility for their own performance and behaviour.
The Manager/Captain/Coach/Contact 1/Parents/Carers must:
11.12. encourage children in their care to learn the rules and play within them; and,
11.13 help children in their care to recognise good performance, not just results; and,
11.14 never force children in their care to take part in sport; and,
11.15 never punish or belittle children in their care for losing or making mistakes; and,
11.16 support involvement of children in their care and help them enjoy their sport; and,
11.17 accept the judgement of the team coaches -match play teams are selected as appropriate on ability and may change throughout the season according to each child's progress.